Igor Bajšanski

Full Professor

Department of Psychology

University of Rijeka


Research Overview


Meta-reasoning is a novel field of research that stands at the intersection between two well-established areas of cognitive psychology, namely psychology of thinking and metacognition. Meta-reasoning research uses methodology developed in a domain of meta-memory to study metacognitive monitoring and control of thinking processes, such as reasoning and judgment. Theoretical approaches to metacognitive monitoring are used to examine sources and accuracy of metacognitive judgments related to reasoning. I am particularly interested in i) the properties of subjective confidence that people experience when solving reasoning problems, and ii) the role of metacognition in dual-process accounts of thinking.


My research investigates general properties of metacognitive monitoring in various domains of cognition, including category learning, semantic knowledge, and problem solving. It is generally agreed that metacognitive processes of monitoring and control play a pivotal role in many cognitive domains. Studying metacognitive judgments and decisions provides useful insights into cognitive processes, but it also has important practical implications for education. I am interested in individual differences in accuracy of metacognitive judgments, factors determining subjective confidence in various cognitive domains, and relationships between metacognitive efficiency and thinking dispositions.

Short Bio

Since 2022

Full Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka, Croatia

Since 2016 -2022

Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka, Croatia

Since 2011

Visiting Professor, Faculty of Humanities, University of Mostar, and Social Sciences, Bosnia and Herzegovina

2010 – 2016

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka, Croatia


PhD in Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia

2001 – 2010

Research and Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka, Croatia


MA in Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia


BA in Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka, Croatia

Supervisory Experience

MA Thesis (selected)

  • Serdarević, Nikola (2020). Utjecaj raspravljanja na točnost i samoprocjenu točnosti mišljenja [The Effect of Group Argumentation on Accuracy of Reasoning and Metacognitive Judgments]. University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Psychology

  • Kožić, Sara (2020). Misinformacijski efekt iz perspektive teorije o nadgledanju izvora informacija [The misinformation effect and source monitoring framework]. University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Psychology

  • Butković, Valentina (2019). Uloga neverbalne inteligencije, kognitivne refleksije i dispozicija mišljenja u racionalnosti [The Role of Nonverbal Intelligence, Cognitive Reflection and Thinking Dispositions in Rational Thinking]. University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Psychology

  • Resanović, Milica (2019). Kognitivna refleksivnost i dispozicije mišljenja kao prediktori racionalnog mišljenja [Cognitive Reflection and Thinking Dispositions as Predictors of Rational Thinking]. University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Psychology

Selected Publications


Dujmović, M., Valerjev, P. & Bajšanski, I.

The role of representativeness in reasoning and metacognitive processes: an in-depth analysis of the Linda problem.

Thinking & Reasoning 27(2), 161-186


Bajšanski, I., Žauhar, V., & Valerjev, P.

Confidence judgments in syllogistic reasoning: the role of consistency and response cardinality.

Thinking & reasoning, 25(1), 14-47


Žauhar, V., Bajšanski, I., & Domijan, D.

Concurrent Dynamics of Category Learning and Metacognitive Judgments.

Frontiers in Psychology, 7:1473, 1-11.


Bajšanski, I. Močibob, M. & Valerjev, P.

Metacognitive judgments and syllogistic reasoning.

Psychological Topics. 23(1), 143-165.


Kolić-Vehovec, S., Rončević B. i Bajšanski, I.

Motivational components of self-regulated learning and reading strategy use in university students: The role of goal orientation patterns.

Learning and Individual Differences, 18, 108-113.