Ivan Flis

Postdoctoral Researcher

Department of Cultural Studies

University of Rijeka


Research Overview

Quantitative methodologies in 20th century psychology

During the 20th century, scientific psychology experienced an explosive growth in the number of practitioners, scientists, university departments, journals, and papers. I am interested in how this disciplinary success can be associated with the adoption of a specific set of quantitative methodologies, statistical techniques, and associated philosophical commitments; in particular frequentist significance testing, construct validity theories, and aggregate descriptive statistics. Some of the questions I am interested in are: What are the philosophical commitments of such methodological standardization? How did psychological theories develop under such a methodological regime, especially in times of change like the cognitive revolution? What is the social context of the institutions of these methods, especially considering the dominance of the North American psychology?

Replication crisis and Open Science

Since the 2010’s, psychology and the biomedical sciences in particular, have been going through the so-called replication crisis. As a response, a grassroots reform movement has developed which is trying to apply Open Science innovations in order to resolve problems with replicability, transparency, bias, and fraud. Here, I am interested in the history of the related Open Science and psychology’s reform movement, especially how it can be informed and critiqued by work in history of psychology and history and philosophy of science.

Short Bio

2022 - present

Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Cultural Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka, Croatia

2019 - 2022

Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Psychology at the Catholic University of Croatia, Zagreb


AS-SEE Research Fellow at the University of Rijeka, Croatia // Moore Institute Visiting Fellow at NUI Galway J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics, Ireland

2014 – 2018

PhD in History and Philosophy of Science, Descartes Centre, Utrecht University, Netherlands


BA and MA in Psychology, Centre for Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Service and Blogging

I was an Editor and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of European Psychology Students (JEPS; https://jeps.efpsa.org/), Editor of the JEPS Bulletin (https://blog.efpsa.org/), and an Editor of the history of science blog Shells and Pebbles (https://www.shellsandpebbles.com/).

Supervisory Experience

I am currently supervising 3 Masters students.

Selected Publications


Flis, I.

The Function of Literature in Psychological Science.

Review of General Psychology. 26(2), 146, 156


Flis, I.

Psychologists psychologizing scientific psychology: An epistemological reading of the replication crisis.

Theory & Psychology, 29(2) 158-181.


Flis, I. & Van Eck, N. J.

Framing Psychology as a Discipline (1950-1999): A large-scale term co-occurrence analysis of scientific literature in psychology.

History of Psychology, 21(4), 334-362


Flis, I.

Načini pričanja o umovima - Prikaz hrvatskog prijevoda Vrste umova: K razumijevanju svijesti Daniela Dennetta [Ways of talking about minds – Review of the Croatian translation (2017) of Daniel Dennett’s Kinds of Minds: Towards an Understanding of Consciousness].

Prolegomena: Journal of Philosophy.


Flis, I.

Instructional Manuals of Boundary Work: Psychology textbooks, student subjectivities, and disciplinary historiographies.

Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 52(3), 258-278.