Marko Tončić

Assistant Professor

Department of Psychology

University of Rijeka


Research Overview

Affective dynamics

Affective fluctuations are something that occurs naturally in humans (and other animals) and are an essential part of our adaptation to the environment that we live in. Those fluctuations differ from individual to individual. An example of these fluctuations through time for four different persons is depicted here:

Affective fluctuations are clearly different from person to person and part of my work is devoted to measuring and modelling this dynamic and identifying the interindividual differences in this, somewhat chaotic, research area. Those dynamic aspects of affective functioning have an impact on different aspects of everyday functioning and our well-being, and my research is also focused on establishing the extent and the mechanisms of this influence.

Measurement and statistics

My interest in measurement and statistical modelling is partly related to my other research area. To be able to adequately quantify affective dynamics, and other related constructs, especially those that evolve and change over time, a non-common statistical apparatus is needed. Thus, part of my research focuses on the construction and evaluation of measures and procedures to adequately quantify such constructs as well as their dynamic aspects/changes.

Short Bio

Since 2021

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Rijeka

2017 – 2021

Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Psychology, University of Rijeka

2010 – 2016

Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, University of Rijeka

2009 – 2016

PhD in Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

2001 – 2009

MA in Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Rijeka

Selected Publications


Maliković, M., & Tončić, M.

Using individually adapted progress indicator in web surveys.

International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 1–11.


Pokrajac-Bulian, A., Tončić, M., & Anić, P.

Assessing the factor structure of the Body Uneasiness Test (BUT) in an overweight and obese Croatian non-clinical sample.

Eating and Weight Disorders, 20(2), 215–222.


Tončić, M.

Ličnost i reakcija na iznenadni događaj: Efekti načina modeliranja fizioloških reakcija [Personality and Reactions to Sudden Events: Effects of Different Approaches to Modelling Physiological Reactions].

Psychological Topics, 29(3), 729–751.


Tončić, M., & Anić, P.

Effects of Momentary Affect on Satisfaction Judgments.

Journal of Individual Differences, 41(2), 61–67.


van Roeyen, I., Riem, M. M. E., Tončić, M., & Vingerhoets, A. J. J. M.

The Damaging Effects of Perceived Crocodile Tears for a Crier’s Image.

Frontiers in Psychology, 11(February), 1–8.