Mirta Zelenika Zeba

Clinical psychologist

Clinic for rehabilitation of hearing and speech Suvag


Research Overview

My current work focuses on applying sensor technologies such as electrophysiology and eye-tracking for studying mental fatigue, attention, and information processing.

I am interested in two types of electrophysiological measurements. 1) Electrocardiography (ECG) and 2)Electroencephalography (EEG). My current work includes EEG as a method for assessing neuropsychological activity. I am focused on changes in EEG activity related to mental fatigue, attention allocation, and language processing.

Also, I am interested in various methods of EEG signal analysis, such as event-related (ERP) analysis and time-frequency (TF) analysis. Furthermore, I am interested in using electrophysiological data to develop models for detecting different levels of alertness.

In addition to neuropsychological processing, I am also interested in their behavioural correlates. To investigate this, I am implementing the eye-tracking methodology for assessing eye movements and fixations to study visual attention, cognitive load, and distraction.

Additionally, I am involved in implementing research findings and generating guidelines for product development. Besides, I am curious to analyze human-system interactions and their influence on human behaviour.

Short Bio

Since 2018

Affiliated Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Catholic University of Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia


Senior Researcher, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Department of Electronic Systems and Information Processing, University of Zagreb


PhD in Cognitive Science, Interdisciplinary postgraduate study Language and Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Zagreb, Croatia


MA in Psychology, University of Rijeka, Croatia


BA in Psychology, University of Rijeka, Croatia


01/10/2018 – CURRENT

Driver Drowsiness and Distraction Detector - DFDM

Call for project proposals: Increasing the development of new products and services resulting from research and development activities (KK.

01/08/2015 – 01/11/2016

Interdisciplinary approach to the development of language and cognitive model of dyslexia in adults

Call for project proposals: Research fellowships for the professional development of young researchers and postdoctoral fellows (HR.3.2.01-0247)

Selected Publications


Palmović, M., Maić, A., Zelenika Zeba, M., Kovačević M.

Phonological and lexical effects on reading in dyslexia

Cappelli, G. & Noccetti, S. (Ed.). A Linguistic Approach to the Study of Dyslexia. (pp). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.


Kelić, Maja; Zelenika Zeba, Mirta; Kuvač Kraljević, Jelena

Reading Predictors in Croatian: Contribution of (Meta)Phonological Variables

Psychological Topics, 30 (2021), 2; 161-184


Kelić, Maja; Zelenika Zeba, Mirta; Kuvač Kraljević, Jelena

Što mjerimo pseudoriječima i kako mjerimo pseudoriječi

Logopedija, 6 (2016), 2; 75-81


Stančin, Igor; Friganović, Krešimir; Zelenika Zeba, Mirta; Jović, Alan; Cifrek, Mario

Gender Differences in EEG Features While Driving // Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence


Zelenika Zeba, Mirta; Friganović, Krešimir; Palmović, Marijan; Išgum, Velimir; Cifrek, Mario

Assessment of Mental Fatigue During Examination Period with P300 Oddball Paradigm

Proceedings of MIPRO 2019, 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics