Valnea Žauhar

Assistant Professor

Department of Psychology

University of Rijeka


Research Overview


In the domain of metacognition, my primary research focus is on metacognitive monitoring of category learning and categorization, reasoning, and problem-solving. My research examines the factors that affect speed, accuracy and monitoring of category learning and the possibilities of generalization of the acquired category knowledge. Moreover, my research examines the cues that participants use to provide responses and form metacognitive judgments. These studies are aimed to answer questions about the possibilities of correct monitoring of the processes of learning, reasoning, and problem-solving.

Music cognition

In the domain of music cognition, my studies investigate memorising music related to different levels of music proficiency (for example, in music piano students or professional pianists). The studies aim to examine the role of different aspects of pieces of music (e.g., formal structure, technical demands, interpretative cues, etc.) in the processes of practice, learning and performing from memory. Recently, I am interested in memorizing contemporary piano music in professional musicians.

Music listening experiences

I am also interested in music listening experiences in students of compulsory and music schools. The aim of those studies is to examine efficacy of the recently developed cognitive-emotional approach to listening to music in schools. Finally, my research is focused on music preferences and listening habits of adolescents and young adults.

Short Bio

Since 2019

Lecturer/Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Rijeka, Croatia

Since 2019

Visiting Professor, Juraj Dobrila University, Music Academy in Pula, Croatia


Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Psychology, University of Rijeka, Croatia


PhD in Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Rijeka, Croatia


MA in Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Rijeka, Croatia

Mentorship of MA final thesis

  • Dujmović, Matea (2021). Razvoj glazbenih sposobnosti i implikacije za provedbu glazbenih aktivnosti s djecom [Musical development and the implications for performing musical activities with children]. Juraj Dobrila University in Pula, Academy of Music, Department of Music Education.

  • Grgić, Snježana (2019). Metakognicija i udešavanje kod rješavanja problema [Metacognition and the Einstellung Effect]. University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Psychology

  • Kućar, Maja (2018). Izrada normi za kategorije na hrvatskom jeziku [Norms for categories in the Croatian Language]. University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Psychology


  • 2019: Metacognitive processess in Reasoning and Learning.

University of Rijeka support grant

(Project leader: Assoc. prof. Igor Bajšanski; Role: Project associate)

  • 2019 – 2021: "Cognitive-Emotional Approach to Music Listening in School: Musical-Pedagogical Aspect Institutional scientific project of the Academy of Music in Pula, Croatia

    (Project leader: Assoc. prof. Sabina Vidulin, Role: Project associate)

  • 2013 - 2019: Cognitive and Neurodynamic Aspects of Perception, Learning and Thinking University of Rijeka support grant

    (Project leader: Prof. Dražen Domijan; Role: Project associate)

    • 2014 – 2017: Metacognition in Category Learning, Thinking and Comprehension.

    Croatian Science Foundation

    (Project leader: Prof. Dražen Domijan; Role: Project associate)

    • 2012 – 2013: Neural modelling and behavioral testing of visual perception and cognition Ministry of Science, education and sport of the Republic of Croatia

      (Project leader: Prof. Dražen Domijan; Role: Project associate)

Selected Publications


Bajšanski, I., & Žauhar, V.

The Relationship between Consistency and Consensuality in Syllogistic Reasoning.

Psychological Topics, 28(1), 73-91.


Bajšanski, I., Žauhar, V., & Valerjev, P.

Confidence judgments in syllogistic reasoning: the role of consistency and response cardinality.

Thinking & reasoning, 25(1), 14-47


Žauhar, V., Bajšanski, I., & Domijan, D.

The influence of rule availability and item similarity on metacognitive monitoring during categorisation.

Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 30(2), 138-162.


Žauhar, V., Bajšanski, I., & Domijan, D.

Concurrent Dynamics of Category Learning and Metacognitive Judgments.

Frontiers in Psychology, 7:1473, 1-11.


Svob, C., Brown, N. R., Takšić, V., Katulić, K., & Žauhar, V.

Intergenerational transmission of historical memories and social-distance attitudes in post-war second-generation Croatians.

Memory & Cognition, 44(6), 846–855.